Donate to the Focusing Philanthropy Portfolio
Thank you for supporting one or more of our extraordinary nonprofit implementing partners. Please click the appropriate button to make your gift or pledge.
100% of your donations go to our implementing partners. All administrative costs are paid for by Focusing Philanthropy’s founders. None of the services we provide result in any charge or fee to either donor or recipient organization.
For more information or additional assistance, please contact us by phone at (310) 399-3300 or via email at [email protected].
Choose your preferred method of giving:
In order to provide you with the best donor experience, please note your preferences around your generous donation in the following form. You will receive an email with the necessary information for donating by check, wire, or DAF upon completion.
Donation FAQs
Yes. On the online credit card form or online pledge form (for wire, check, DAF, or stock), enter the amount of your first contribution and select the designated implementing partner for the program or initiative. Then, click the “Next” button and you will be prompted to repeat the process for additional amounts and designations.
Yes. Please select “To Be Allocated by Focusing Philanthropy” from the pull-down designation menu on the online credit card form or online pledge form (for wire, check, DAF, or stock). This is one of the most powerful ways to give because it enables us to know we have dollars we can deploy at the most strategic time to the organization(s) where and when the impact will be greatest.
Yes. Please complete the fields under “Tribute/Honoree Information” on the online credit card form or the online pledge form for gifts by check, wire transfer, DAF, or stock. Select “I would like an acknowledgement card to be mailed” and we will send a donation notification card to whomever you designate. A receipt for tax purposes will still be sent to you.
Yes. Select “To Be Allocated by Focusing Philanthropy” from the pull-down designation menu on the online credit card form or the online pledge form for gifts by check, wire transfer, DAF, or stock. Use the Special Instructions/Comments box to tell us the name and contact information of the person who will make the allocation decision regarding your donated funds. We will contact that individual to notify them of your gift and share instructions for allocating the funds.
Yes. Please note your intention to set up a recurring gift in the “Comments/Special Instructions” text box on the online credit card form or online pledge form (for wire, check, DAF, or stock) and complete the additional questions. A member of the Focusing Philanthropy team will follow up with you.